Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lovely Sunday, September 13

Last Sunday Chelsea, June, and Andy drove up to Faith Lutheran Church after stopping earlier for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel in Richmond. The Divine Liturgy was beautiful, the singing robust (especially when cantor Ole Wndroth led us in chanting Psalm 19), Pastor Luckey's sermon straight-forward in presenting the gift and challenge of the Gospel for the day, and Jesus gift of Himself in Holy Communion could not have been a more wonderful climax to the Eucharist. Thank you, Lord.

Later in the afternoon, June and Andy attended the Marengo Drive Block Party where June somehow managed to get arrested by our neighbor, Office Kurt Hall, while Andy renewed his friendship with Farley, his barbar, who has only recently been released from prison. The food was oh-so-good! And June's potato salad was the hit of the table. Wonderful time.

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