Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And the rains came down!

I suspect that most of you are aware that Georgia has received lots of rain in the past three days, so much in fact that at last count nine people have died in the flood waters. June and I have been in touch with our friends in Turtle Cove, and our neighbor Dave Levee sent a photograph our Jackson Lake shore line. Fortunately the folks at the Georgia Power dam tell us that all is now manageable and that the lake level is under control:

Our generation department is doing everything possible to release water out of Lake Jackson. We are running all six generators and the trash gate is open. Currently the inflows from the Yellow River and South River are decreasing, however the inflow from the Alcovy River is increasing. Based on USGS reports and the information we have, the lake should peak between today and tomorrow. After that we should start seeing a decrease in our inflows. The lake level is currently at 531.0. The normal full pool for Lake Jackson is 528.5.
That's good new for us. We wish there was better news for everyone in the Atlanta and northern Georgia areas.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Courtney and Matt's Wedding Reception

A little over a week ago, September 4, to be exact, Courtney and Matt McFarland were married in Florida. And this past weekend, they returned to Indianapolis for a wonderful reception at the Greenwood Community Center where lots and lots of their friends and family gathered to wish them God's blessings. June and Andy drove up for the celebration on Saturday and then enjoyed a high-spirited breakfast on Sunday with the newly weds, Liz and Art, and Jeff, Andy's nephew. After breakfast Courtney and Matt took us over to their new home. It was really a great and wonderful weekend!

More pictures here.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Lutheran Family

Well, I guess I knew that Garrison Keillor was Lutheran (maybe), but I didn't know of too many others except some fine theologians (e.g., Krister Stendahl, after whom Krister was named). So it was a nice surprise for a friend to send me The Lutherans' Song, a video which I hope you will enjoy as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jessica and Andrew Ehret get married!

On a glorious Sunday morning in early September--the sixth, to be exact!--Jessica and Andrew gave wedding rings to one another and started married life within the lovely setting of the Memphis Botanic Gardens. It was the Song of Songs come to life! You can see more picture at here!

Lovely Sunday, September 13

Last Sunday Chelsea, June, and Andy drove up to Faith Lutheran Church after stopping earlier for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel in Richmond. The Divine Liturgy was beautiful, the singing robust (especially when cantor Ole Wndroth led us in chanting Psalm 19), Pastor Luckey's sermon straight-forward in presenting the gift and challenge of the Gospel for the day, and Jesus gift of Himself in Holy Communion could not have been a more wonderful climax to the Eucharist. Thank you, Lord.

Later in the afternoon, June and Andy attended the Marengo Drive Block Party where June somehow managed to get arrested by our neighbor, Office Kurt Hall, while Andy renewed his friendship with Farley, his barbar, who has only recently been released from prison. The food was oh-so-good! And June's potato salad was the hit of the table. Wonderful time.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Kirk at Work

If you think you might enjoy Kirk doing his thing; watch him at . Be warned: you may get exhausted simply watching him! Amy says that she can take about 30 seconds; as his dad, however, I enjoy watching the whole sheebang!