Monday, August 11, 2008

Katie's First Birthday

On August 2nd, Patsy and Ray (Katie's grandparents), Susan and Delwyn (auntie and uncle), Lisa and Tim--proud parents!--and June and Andy celebrated Katie's first anniversary of her coming into the big world. It was a grand occasion, and Katie was not a little overwhelmed with the attention, gifts, and scrumptious food, especially that birthday cake. While we didn't get her signature on the model release, we sure did take a lot of pictures! The really wonderful joyful atmosphere saturdating the whole day was Katie's upbeat attitude: just great! The only thing she refused to do was wear that dumb hat. But, of course, she got a big kick out of her daddy's slipping it on. "It looks just great on you, Daddy!"

"Hey, Mom! When are we going to play with all those toys? And when you are going to read me my new books?"

"When do we get to this again, Dad?"

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