Friday, August 04, 2006

We're Working on the Deck

Kurt and Scott Himmel left Louisiana at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and arrived at the lakehouse about three in the afternoon. By Sunday evening, June and Kurt decided on the basic plans. At 7:00 a.m.the next day (no kidding!), the Himmels were at work, putting in ten- and eleven-hour days each day of the week. On Monday morning they set the battens, got out the transit, and figured out how to make the upper deck square. The first truck-load of lumber arrived, holes for posts and concrete were made, and by evening the first row of posts were in place with cement. Throughout the week, in swealtering hot and humid weather, the crew, with Andy joining, grunted, nailed, and air-hammered 2x12s, 2x10s, 6x6s, and deckboards into place. Scott worked furiously to keep up with Kurt's demand for cut lumber. On Wednesday evening June, Andy, Scott and Kurt went shopping for new shoes for Scott and a 18-volt DeWalt drill for Andy. Things were popping. The team drank gallons of water and sweated like draft horses. To make sure that we got enough energy, June prepared the bestest meals for lunch and supper: roast beef, blueberry cobbler, and BLTs her specialties. To see what got done by Friday evening, see House Renovations. Let us know what you think!

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