Monday, March 31, 2008

Chelsea Sets Model High School Track Record!

On Friday, March 28, Chelsea ran the 100 meter hurdles and set Model High School Girl's Track record at 16.5 seconds. As the fastest runner on her team in many events, Chelsea, one of the finest sophomore athletes Model has ever known, practices hard, runs hard, sprints hard, and wins!

In addition to running on Model's spring-term track team, Chelsea also runs cross-country in the fall; and she plays beautiful classical piano and a hot clarinet. She's not only an excellent student academically and socially, Chelsea also represents her Lord Jesus in an exemplary fashion. May God bless her for her dedication to all that she does!

Everyone in her whole family is so proud of her!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

More of Katie from Lisa and Tim

Some of you have not seen this kiddo in a while, at least in cyberspace, so here you go! Love, Lisa and Tim!